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alaAverage 4.8

4 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 reviews of LG GR642APA. The average rating for this product is 4.8/5, compared to an average rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews.

On average, users rate this product 95/100.

Review analysis

(Based on 4 reviews)

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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Show Reviews: in English

Consumer review (

Can't get anything better than this


I have had the fridge for the last 4 years now. and except the lamp nothing has gone wrong. Extremely reliable and worth having. Huge size.

Feb, 2015

Consumer review (



I have had it for more than 2 years and it is still running perfectly My icecream is always hard just how I like it Pity about the shelf

My fridge looks beautiful in my kitchen and it also fits in the spot perfectly

Plastic shelf above the crisper drawers have both cracked and broke The rest of the fridge still looks like new Why didn't they put a glass shelf like the other shelves

Dec, 2010

Consumer review (



Great fridge overall, i would definatly buy another LG fridge. It is suprisingly light, so even though it is a big fridge it is really easy to move houses and manouvre around the kitchen.

Huge enough to fit everything in! Has a water dispenser that you fill the jug at the sink, but we always put juice and cordial in it. The freezer has an inbuilt ice tray and container to store the ice so you never run out. The supercool option is great...

This fridge will never fit in a normal fridge space. None of the 4 houses we have lived in since we bought it where anywhere close to fitting. If you own your own home and can modify, or if you don't mind keeping the fridge over the side like we do,...

Sep, 2007

Consumer review (



I love this fridge. It looks great and is so big inside, I can always find space to put things and the freezer is really big too. We got rid of our 2nd full size fridge from our bar area as this new LG is so big that when we have parties we don't even...

Lots of space, looks great, works perfectly

There's so much space I don't need to clean out the old jars of food often enough!

Jul, 2007

Price comparison for LG GR642APA

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