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NEFF K4624X7 KE 735

NEFF K4624X7 KE 735
alaAverage 4.1

6 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 6 reviews of NEFF K4624X7 KE 735. The average rating for this product is 4.1/5, compared to an average rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews.

On average, users rate this product 82/100.

Review analysis

(Based on 6 reviews)

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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Show Reviews: in English

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


lots of room, not too many shelves, so you can stack items of a reasonable height.

the door shelves are fairly flimsy

Jan, 2009

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


lots of room, not too many shelves, so you can stack items of a reasonable height

the door shelves are fairly flimsy

Jan, 2009

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


It was exactly what I wanted to fit in the space that I had

Nov, 2008

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


Lovely large, bright, well laid out with plenty of shelves.

Needs a soft closing hinge, as you have to be a little bit careful when closing the door. the large tray on the door could do with being square rather than having rounded corners so it takes juice cartons etc.

Oct, 2008

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


Sturdy, easily fitted into the void left by 600mm larder fridge / freezer space, integrated doors from old removed units fitted and operate with ease.

Growing fat due to amount of food now able to be stored!

Dec, 2007

Consumer review (

Neff K4624-X4


Space and shelf design

Fitting - need an expert to install - not one for my DIY skills.

Dec, 2007

Price comparison for NEFF K4624X7 KE 735

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