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alaAverage 2.5

2 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 reviews of GAMDIAS Ourea GMS5500. The average rating for this product is 2.5/5, compared to an average rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews. People are impressed by the durability. The reliability is also appreciated. Some have doubts about the size, and there are some mixed reviews about the price.

usability, reliability, durability


On average, users rate this product 50/100.

Review analysis

(Based on 2 reviews)

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Consumer review (

Top of the line Gaming mouse


GAMDIAS is a new company, but if they keep making products like these, they will command attention. If they can keep a competitive price point, and don't fall into the trap of making junk and charging a lot of money for it to "appear" elite. Good for...

I wrote a review and it didn't stick. Took me like a hour so. In short ; This mouse build quality is better than a lot of really expensive mice. And it performs as well as the most expensive mice you can buy ; Comparably, the Gamdias has all the same...

The Dpi button is too close to the Wheel which i kept hitting and changing DPI accidentally in fragfest Q3 Live matches while testing. I had to disable it. But it's not big deal, cause i set it and forget it anyway ; This may just be because of how I...

Apr, 2015

Consumer review (

Whines like a spoild child


GAMDIAS is a new company, but if they keep making products like these, they will command attention. If they can keep a competitive price point, and don't fall into the trap of making junk and charging a lot of money for it to "appear" elite. Good for...

I wrote a review and it didn't stick. Took me like a hour so. In short ; This mouse build quality is better than a lot of really expensive mice. And it performs as well as the most expensive mice you can buy ; Comparably, the Gamdias has all the same...

The Dpi button is too close to the Wheel which i kept hitting and changing DPI accidentally in fragfest Q3 Live matches while testing. I had to disable it. But it's not big deal, cause i set it and forget it anyway ; This may just be because of how I...

Apr, 2015

Price comparison for GAMDIAS Ourea GMS5500

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