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Found 501 result(s) for piece


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alaScore 85

Eagle Tech ET-AR306-BK 2.1 Speakers (3-Piece) (Speakers)

Unboxed the speaker system, plugged it in to my phone to try a song on it, and turned both knobs to the lowest setting before powering the unit on. While playing the song, I turned the volume up to about halfway. Sounds good. Start turning up the bass...

12 user reviews

alaScore 84

JBL CS6100BG High-Performance Complete 6-Piece Home Theater Speaker System... (Speakers)

The JBL Surround Sound system is good; there is real clarity and it worked fine with Yamaha Receiver.. however the speaker set is real chunky and I had a real tough time to find a suitable set of stands to hold such heavy speakers. had to shell out...

100 user reviews

alaScore 83

Inland Pro Sound 2000 2-Piece Black Wired Computer Speaker (Speakers)

ii didnt get these on amazon...but from a thrift shop in my town for 3 bucks..these speakers are good. they are loud to an extent. i use them as speakers for my laptop and my if ur lookinf for something cheap i would get these.

1 expert reviews | 136 user reviews

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