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Found 5 result(s) for Huey


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alaScore 88

PANTONE huey (Monitors)

The Pantone Huey Pro is a clever, inexpensive monitor calibration solution for photo hobbyists, but you'll have to look elsewhere if your color work requires precision.

16 expert reviews | 32 user reviews

alaAverage 4

Pantone Huey Pro (Printers)

If you use your Mac for photography, video or colour printing, you’ll be surprised at the difference decent calibration can make. The HueyPRO is a superb and easy-to-use tool for the job. Our only complaint is that it felt a little flimsy.

1 expert reviews

alaAverage 1

Pantone Huey Pro Monitor Color Calibrator (Monitors)

Tried to calibrate two different monitors. I was not happen with either. After calibration, the screen took on an unnatural color...tried several fixes via support-no luck.

1 user reviews
