The Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer is a compact machine with a simple yet pleasing design. This open-frame 3D printer is easy to set up and operate, and in our testing it produced generally above-average prints on a consistent basis. It adds some unusual flourishes, too, such as an onboard Wi-Fi camera for monitoring print jobs, and layered multicolor printing. Downsides include a relatively high purchase price, and a tiny build area. If ease of use and print consistency are paramount, though, the PlaySmart is an appealing choice for a home, school, or community center.
A Petite, Stylish, and Capable 3D Printer
Today's Polaroid Corporation operates as a brand licensor, and the PlaySmart was designed and is manufactured by its licensee EBP Group. In the United States, it is sold exclusively through the JoAnn craft-store chain in its stores and online.
The PlaySmart is compact, measuring 12.6 by 10.6 by 11.8 inches, and weighing 11 pounds. It's a handsomely designed machine, nearly cubical but with gently curving top, bottom, and sides. Its interior is matte black, while the exterior is glossy white with rainbow trim.
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A 3.5-inch touch screen is set to the right of the build area, which measures a mere 4.7 by 4.7 by 4.7 inches. Its build area is smaller even than the FlashForge Finder 3D Printer (5.5 by 5.5 by 5.5 inches), the XYZprinting da Vinci Mini (5.9 by 5.9 by 5.9 inches), and the LulzBot Mini 2, whose build area is 7.1 by 6.3 by 6.3 inches. In fact, the only currently available 3D printer we have reviewed with a smaller build area is the MakerBot Replicator Mini, at 3.9 by 3.9 by 4.9 inches (HWD).
The front, back, and top of the printer are open, lacking doors or any other enclosure. As an open-frame printer, the PlaySmart enables users to access the interior easily to (carefully) remove stray extruded strands of filament from the print bed, even when a print job is in progress. One needs to be careful not to touch the extruder's hot end, which can produce a burn. During operation, that's unlikely to be a problem, as the nozzle extends only a short distance beneath the extruder, making it very difficult to touch while printing. The removable build plate, which can be heated to about 70 degrees C, is potentially more of a problem, but I touched it when hot a couple of times (and quickly removed my hand) with no injury. Still, be careful, particularly if young children or curious pets are around.
I sat a few feet away from the PlaySmart while testing it, and was not bothered by noise, except that I and a coworker were taken aback by an unpleasant clicking heard during a brief period at the start of several print jobs. Otherwise, it emits typical 3D printer sounds (which often sound like electronic music) at a moderate volume. Also, I noticed no odor from the printer. Neither PLA—which I used exclusively in testing—nor PETG, also supported, is known for emitting unpleasant fumes.
Setting Up for Printing
Setup, using the included quick-start guide, is pretty straightforward. After unboxing the PlaySmart, you remove the packing material and tape from the printer's interior. Then you connect a plastic guide tube between the filament feeder and extruder, plug the power cord into the printer and a power socket, and turn the printer on.
Then, you put a filament spool into the filament holder (officially the "Precise Filament Holder and Scale"), and thread the loose end through the filament feeder—a surprisingly easy process compared with many other models. You tap the Filament icon on the 3.5-inch LCD touch screen, followed by Load, and the filament should feed into the extruder. Once it starts extruding, just press Confirm for it to stop. (Unloading filament is just as easy.) Speaking of extruding, the PlaySmart comes with three extra extruder nozzles, which can be easily swapped out.
After loading the filament, you download the Polaroid SmartPrep software (more on that below) to your computer. That's really all there is to setup. You can then import a 3D object file (in STL format) into that program, resize it or change the settings as desired, and save it as a Gcode file onto a memory device, and you're ready to print.
Filament and Spool Holder
The PlaySmart takes several varieties of filament. (See our guide to today's various 3D printer filament types.) These include what Polaroid calls Premium PLA (it comes in 20 different colors), PETG (in 10 different colors), and P-Wood, a wood-plastic composite that has the texture and appearance of wood.
The PLA costs $39.99 per 1kg spool, the PETG $47.99 per 1kg spool, and the P-Wood, $54.99 per 500g spool. The price is reasonable for printer-manufacturer-branded filaments; MakerBot sells 0.9kg spools of PLA for $48, while Ultimaker's distributors sell 750g spools of its branded filament for $49.99. You could use other brands of filament, but you probably would have to use a different spool holder.
Unlike the vast majority of fused filament fabrication (FFF) printers, which either have a spool holder attached to the printer's side or an internal bay for holding the filament spool(s), the PlaySmart's spool holder is not physically attached to the printer. It's a standalone smart device, keeping track of how much filament you have left.
Polaroid's SmartPrep Software
Polaroid's SmartPrep software, downloadable from the Polaroid site, provides simple tools for working with a 3D file.
Most of the screen is taken up with a representation of the printer's build area, and five labeled icons are at the screen's upper left: Scene, Library, Add Model, Filament (which takes you to the filament page on Polaroid 3D's website), and Print. You open a file—whether a previously saved Scene file, a file from Polaroid 3D's Model Library, or an object model file (in .STL format) saved on your computer—by pressing the appropriate icon. When you do, the object will appear, to scale, in the build area shown on your screen.
From there, you can move it, resize it (using X-, Y-, and Z-axis controls at the right-hand side of the screen), or copy it. You can also select Multi Colour, which lets you pause the print at selected intervals so you can swap out your filament spool for one of a different color. In this fashion, you can print an object with layers of alternating colors. Touching the Filament icon takes you to Polaroid 3D's filament page, showing the different types and colors of filament that the company offers.
Once you have tweaked an object to your satisfaction in the SmartPrep software, you press Print. This actually opens a print menu in which you can select filament type, print quality, and type of supports (if any). From here, pressing an Advanced Menu button lets you fine-tune these and a few other settings.
While from the Basic menu you can choose among three quality settings, which actually denote resolution or layer height (High quality is 100 microns or 0.1mm, Normal quality is 200 microns, and Draft quality is 300 microns), in the Advanced menu you can set the resolution anywhere between 50 and 300 microns, in intervals of 10 microns.
Hitting Print at this point "slices" the file, preparing it for printing at the resolution and other settings you have specified. When the file is ready, an estimate of the printing time will appear onscreen. If the time is short, you may want to scale the object to a larger size and then slice it again. Conversely, if the estimated time is excessive, you may want to scale the object to a smaller size. In either case, pressing Cancel will take you back to the view of your object, where you can change settings and slice again.
Printing Methods
Hitting Print again still won't print the object. Instead, it lets you name and save the file (in printable Gcode format) to the location of your choice. You may want to save a copy on your hard drive, as well as copying it to either a USB thumb drive or an SD card, which you then insert into the respective port or slot on the PlaySmart.
After that, you can press New Print on the printer's LCD screen, press either SD Card or USB to access a list of printable files on your memory device, and tap on the file you want to print. A dialog opens up, from which you can press Enable Time Lapse Video if you want the printer's built-in camera to take regular shots of your progress. Finally, you press Confirm, which launches the print job. Once the extruder and build plate reach their proper temperatures, printing will commence.
Alternately, you can launch a print from your iOS or Android mobile device with the PlaySmart mobile app. Once the app is paired and connected with your printer, you press New Print. You can launch a print of a file on your SD card or USB thumb drive, and you can also print files from the Polaroid 3D model library.
You can monitor the progress of an ongoing print job from either the mobile app or the printer's LCD screen. The upper right corner of your screen shows the percentage of the job completed, along with a countdown clock with the estimated time remaining. The temperatures of the extruder and the build plate are also given.
Testing the Output: Good-Quality Prints, Mostly
I printed a dozen test objects with the PlaySmart, one at the High resolution setting, the others at Normal resolution. There was little difference in print quality between the two resolutions, but the high-resolution object took about twice as long as the same object printed at Normal resolution. Unless getting the highest print quality is paramount, you should be fine with Normal-quality prints and save a lot of time with them.
By default, objects print with small (5mm), very thin "brims" around their bases, which can be cut away after printing. The brim seemed to help in object removal; prints were very easy to remove from the print bed.
To its credit, the PlaySmart successfully printed to completion all the test objects I threw at it (never a given with 3D printers!), and none of the output was a throwaway. Print quality ranged from average to excellent. Two objects had some warping at the base, despite the heated print bed, which usually eliminates that. The most common issue was small loops of extruded plastic underneath overhangs, which we often see with 3D printers, but they were more frequent than usual with the PlaySmart. One can remove most of the excess plastic with scissors, a knife, nail clippers, and/or sandpaper, but you'd be better off not having to deal with it at all.
Our geometric test object was a mixed bag. I had to scale it to a smaller size than usual, as it would not have otherwise fit in the printer's build area. But even though I sized the height to 110mm—Panasonic had given a figure of 120mm for the maximum build height—the object came up against the extruder while still a bit short of the top. At that point, I had to stop the print, which is worrisome because the build area is small enough as it is.
That said, the PlaySmart did very well in rendering the test's various geometric forms, even though they were sized smaller than on other 3D printers we have tested. The printer also did very well with the fine detail in a complex object, a chess rook whose interior contains both a spiral staircase and a double helix.
On the Whole, Able and Accessible 3D Prints
The PlaySmart's ease of use and consistently good print quality makes it a good choice for 3D printing beginners. Its stylish design and cheery filament colors add to its appeal—if I had to pick one adjective for it, I would choose "likeable." That said, its print area is tiny, and its asking price is on the steep side for its capabilities. The PlaySmart is backed by a mere one-year warranty that, although not unusual in the 3D-printing world, is on the stingy side.
We haven't reviewed any other 3D printers right around its price point lately, but the number of appealing budget 3D printers is growing, even in the under-$500 range. The XYZPrinting da Vinci Jr. 2.0 Mix prints in two colors and has a slightly larger build area than the PlaySmart while selling for much lower price. (Our Editors' Choice budget 3D printer, the XYZPrinting da Vinci Mini, is no longer available, but it's been replaced by a Wi-Fi version that also sells for a budget price.) The FlashForge Finder showed good print quality in our testing and also has a (marginally) larger build area than the PlaySmart, while selling for barely half its price.
I see the PlaySmart largely as an entry point into the 3D-printing world for a home or a classroom. Serious tinkerers, artists, and craftspeople may well want to upgrade to a machine with a larger build volume in short order, but at the very least, the Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer can spark an enthusiasm for 3D printing that may last for many years to come. Even though the PlaySmart is a Polaroid product pretty much in name only, it proves itself worthy of the classic name.
The Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer is a compact, stylish 3D printer with above-par overall print quality, but, alas, a tiny build area for the money.