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alaAverage 3.9

MSI Computer M452-6108 (Desktops)

Unboxed the board and set up my build. Pushed the power button and poof sparks, smoke, fire. One of the capacitors under the military cooler burned up. Luckily for me it did not damage anything else. Had to go out and buy an new board, not MSI, and now...

6 user reviews

alaAverage 5

Gateway FX6860 Desktop Computer (Desktops)

i didn't think i was going to like the windows 7 after using windows xp for so long but to be honest i love it.this is one powerful computer.everything about this computer is so satisfying.thank you

1 user reviews

alaAverage 3

Xi Computer Xi Mtower 64 (Desktops)

Though this system is well-built system and offers a range of features, it seems expensive for the performance it provides.

2 expert reviews

alaAverage 3

Xi Computer Xi MTower IGE (Desktops)

This Intel quad-core CPU-based systme provides plenty of processing power for multimedia and multitasking chores.

1 expert reviews

alaScore -1

How to kill your computer (Desktops)

Many people simply ignore the rule "if it aint broke, don't fix it" and end up annihilating their computer through a burst of static electricity or dodgy DIY.

1 expert reviews

alaAverage 4

Acer AP5000 desktop computer (Desktops)

The computer looks cool and its a 3 in 1 so that means less cords to mess with.

1 user reviews

alaAverage 5

HP w1707 desktop computer (Desktops)

I purchased this HPw1707 desktop computer 1 year ago and I love it! I have not had any problems out of it at all.The screen is nice 17 inches with great resolution,it came with several applications on it.The computer came with Norton and Microsoft...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 5

Acer BE-2350 desktop computer (Desktops)

I think this is a great machine===I had a E-machine and it was so slow even with DSL

1 user reviews

alaAverage 5

HP e2200 desktop computer (Desktops)

was able to customize at website, great price the cost of individual parts much less than comparable parts from other venders. custumer service is great! using HP site allows me to check for atest updates with very ittle effort. ordering supplies is...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4.7

Dell Precision 390 desktop computer (Desktops)

This has been a great computer and the vendor has been great to work with providing outstanding tech support following up on questions & providing phone support. Better than Dell!

9 user reviews

alaAverage 5

HP vx74 desktop computer (Desktops)

hp computer where you can get online and do things to make moeny and other things.       on my computer i have found some sites where you can make money and make points where you can trade for thing that you want like fishing poles and dishes and all...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 5

Cybertron General Discussion desktop computer (Desktops)

I will be ordering my second pc from Cybertron within the next year. My current model has a P4, and I want to take advantage of the new 64 bit processors. I have found Cybertron's prices fair (though hardly cheap), and the systems and add-ons are...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4.2

Dell Dimension 8110 desktop computer (Desktops)

Well I bought this desktop computer from Dell and within two weeks the internal cd drive busted my cd that was int it. They told me to redeliver it to them and they will fix it and they did also replaced my broken cd. Within a couple of months the crt...

5 user reviews

alaAverage 4

HP 2009M desktop computer (Desktops)

I purchased the Hewlett Packard computer about a year ago.  So far I have no complaints.  It runs very quietly.... I leave it on all the time and I can't tell it's on.  It comes with a flat screen monitor which I love!  We had the big bulky kind before...

5 user reviews

alaAverage 4

Alienware General Discussion desktop computer (Desktops)

This board is aimed at building Home Theatre PC's (HTPC's) and as such is not designed to be a gaming power house. Mind you, there is nothing stopping you from plugging a high end GPU into its PCIe 16x slot should you be so inclined!

2 user reviews

alaAverage 4

eMachines 450 desktop computer (Desktops)

Good machine, gave me a lot of service

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

Gateway E4610 desktop computer (Desktops)

The Gateway E4610 is one of the best desk top systems I have purchased so far. It is reliable and have not had any problems. After adding the 1 tb drive and the 1 gb video card GeFroce 9400  it is absolutely great. I use this computer for every thing....

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

eMachines 75498072 desktop computer (Desktops)

the emachine is a great computer to be windows 2000 it is reasonably fast and you can buy parts off store shelves insted of ordering them. it dont break down as much as other computers i have owend. i have owend this computer for years and only had to...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

Dell Dimension 5050 desktop computer (Desktops)

The Dell Dimension 5050 is a great machine with fairly decent capabilities.  I often work from home and it will handle multiple tasks quite well.  I sometimes develop software for work and pleasure.  In either case, the machine, processor, and...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

Compaq 5009SR desktop computer (Desktops)

Compaq Presario was my first home computer back in 2000. After it died on me, I ended up getting another Compaq. This time a 5009SR. Now, I'm not really a technically knowledgable person, and can't really go into depth about gigs of ram, but I do know...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

HP li1706 desktop computer (Desktops)

The HP li1706 is a stylish workhorse.  It seems to respond very well to a lot of use.  It never seems to lock up or grab as other computers and systems seem to do.  It comes with a moderate amount of software built into the system but supplies all the...

1 user reviews

alaAverage 4

MSI 6380E desktop computer (Desktops)

MSI is extremely upgradeable and lasts for several years without needing replacement.  It allows me to use any OS I want and attach any peripheral I want.  A very good motherboard.  My PC is home made and is a desk top design.  I do not like towers.

1 user reviews

alaAverage 3.5

Gateway DX4820 desktop computer (Desktops)

I bought this Gateway when it first came out on the market. It was super fast and work wonderfully. One day about 3 months after buying it, the computer completely stopped working. It would only load an error screen in dos. I wasnt worried because I...

2 user reviews
