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Quantaray 15-inch Digital Frame with Remote Control (Black Acrylic)

Quantaray 15-inch Digital Frame with Remote Control (Black Acrylic)
alaAverage 3.6

5 reviews

Mar, 2025

alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 reviews of Quantaray 15-inch Digital Frame with Remote Control (Black Acrylic). The average rating for this product is 3.6/5, compared to an average rating of 3.9/5 for other Digital Photo Frames for all reviews.

On average, users rate this product 72/100.

Review analysis

(Based on 5 reviews)

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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Show Reviews: in English

Consumer review (

Brilliant in Almost Every Way


We use this at trade shows to display production photos and so far it has been a great asset to our recruitment and has sprung interest in our department. The interface is difficult and not as user friendly as I would like. The higher resolution photos...

"Attractive Design","Clear Image"

"Hard To Use"

Oct, 2008

Consumer review (

Great way to see your photo albums


This frame sits on our kitchen counter and we see all our photos continuously. It's terrific. I gave one to my mother so she can see the same photos with no operator skill required. I have never been able to adjust the time between slides, but 10...

"Quality Construction","Clear Image","Attractive Design"

Aug, 2008

Consumer review (

Works Great for Trade Show Display


We use this as a display at all of our trade shows. It has product information rotating through on each product displayed. The advantage--small, light and we don't have to commit a laptop to the project. Even an monkey could use this. Very simple. Easy...

"Quality Construction","Clear Image","Easy To Use"

Aug, 2008

Consumer review (



Returned the first one because it had two bright pixels that were continuously burning. It may have been a group of pixels because they were so big/bright. The faulty pixels were almost in the middle of the screen and it was very distracting. The...

"Clear Image","Attractive Design"

Jul, 2008

Consumer review (

Not for random display of pictures.


Quantaray 15? Digital Picture Frame is good for only one purpose, showing a pre-planned slide show. If you want to load up a memory stick with a hundreds to thousands of pictures, you will never see but the first few. The software interface only shows...

"Stylish","Strong Construction"

"Functionality","User interface"

Oct, 2007

Price comparison for Quantaray 15-inch Digital Frame with Remote Control (Black Acrylic)

No prices for this product