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George Foreman GR10A

George Foreman GR10A
alaAverage 3.5

2 reviews

Jun, 2024

We have collected and analyzed 2 user reviews from international sources. Users rate it 70/100. The average review date is Feb 3, 2008. We have compared these reviews to 91857 reviews from other Grills & Barbecues. Last update: Jun 17, 2024.

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Consumer review (



I would reccomend the grill, however keep in mind the cleaning and not to use metal utensils on it. Consider what size is right for you- if you are only doing a bit of meat small is fine but if you want to do most of your dinner on there get a bigger one.

A bit of a novelty item, cooks great burgers. Definately a goer for foods high in fat like sausages and mince. Great for that grilled effect I do seared spicy chicken on here and it turns out great. Cooks meats evenly.

It like any other novelty cooking item becomes a pain to clean- if you don't do it straight away with the right cloth you will damage it. This size grill is more for 1-2 people max.

Jul, 2008

Consumer review (



There is no disputing that food cooked in this grill will have considerably less fat, however the downside is the food becomes dry and tasteless. Sausages cooked in it are ok - it ruins steak. It's a pain to clean as it has a few nooks and crannies...

Cooks quickly

Annoying to clean (bits of food or grease in cracks etc), dries food out until it's like old cardboard, far too small to be useful, difficult to store due to shape.

Aug, 2007

Price comparison for George Foreman GR10A

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