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Rosewill R710S Black 17" 12ms LCD Monitor 260 cd/m2 400:1 Built-in Speakers

Rosewill R710S Black 17" 12ms LCD Monitor 260 cd/m2 400:1 Built-in Speakers
alaAverage 4.2

5 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 reviews of Rosewill R710S Black 17" 12ms LCD Monitor 260 cd/m2 400:1 Built-in Speakers. The average rating for this product is 4.2/5, compared to an average rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews.

On average, users rate this product 84/100.

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(Based on 5 reviews)

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Consumer review (

still good, as usual


after buying 6 Rosewills, I finally found one dead pixel, and 2 stuck pixels...they're tiny, you really have to search for 'em. No big deal, I'll keep buying Rosewill Monitors.

excellent quality, love everything about Rosewill monitors

except maybe the stands aren't quite as sturdy as I would need in an earthquake. Speakers? Who cares

Dec, 2006

Consumer review (



Kinda nice how the built in speakers are on the backside since I will not be using them anyways and are not visiable from the front.

Awesome monitor. Great Display and quality. 0 Dead Pixels. Haven't tried the speakers, could care less about those

The plastic around the monitor is a lil skuffed up from factory, Screen is fine though

Mar, 2006

Consumer review (



Tis ok if u want a LCD that will work one minute and burn up the next.

0 dead pixels

Worked great for a few days then I started smelling something burning and noticed the LCD monitor went dead and won't turn back on. Going to RMA for a better brand

Mar, 2006

Consumer review (

Rosewill R710S Black 17" 12ms LCD Monitor 260 cd/m2 400:1 Built-in Speakers


Looks great--no dead pixels


Feb, 2006

Consumer review (



Arrived with NO DEAD PIXELS and NO STUCK PIXELS!!!!!!! I expected a few for a low end LCD but there were none. As with anything, your mileage may vary.

Great LCD for the price! Crsip and clear, just what you want. Looks down right incredible at native resolution, looks even when running at 1024 x 768 ; Nice external power supply that is NOT a wall wort

Once the base is assembled, it will not come back apart. Not a huge deal but something to consider

Jan, 2006

Price comparison for Rosewill R710S Black 17" 12ms LCD Monitor 260 cd/m2 400:1 Built-in Speakers

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