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A-Data AS510S3-120GM-C S510

A-Data AS510S3-120GM-C S510
alaAverage 2.6

5 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 reviews of A-Data AS510S3-120GM-C S510. The average rating for this product is 2.6/5, compared to an average rating of 4.5/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews.

On average, users rate this product 52/100.

Review analysis

(Based on 5 reviews)

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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Show Reviews: in English

Consumer review (

Great upgrade to office machines


This is a great upgrade to any machine running on a 5400/7200 RPM machine. OS loads in about 6 seconds ready to use. Most apps open instantly. My clients love the speed increase. Combine with a cheap mobo/cpu and you have a really good business machine...

Speed, cost

cost per GB is still higher then I like

Jul, 2013

Consumer review (

Great price, Bad drive


Price for 60Gb $1/GB

Died after 3 days

May, 2012

Consumer review (



GPT+grub2+arch linux installed on my laptop without any problems -Using ext4 with discard and noatime options -Using SATA 3GB/s, not 6GB/s -Average read speed (hdparm -t) = 330MB/S - a lot better than the WD HDD I had before (which clocked in around...

Works well. No issues. Good value at $1/GB

I had to break off two tiny little plastic tabs to get it to fit in my laptop (the old HDD's case ended short and the SATA pins stuck out so it wasn't a problem before) ; This is a problem with the laptop though, not the SSD

May, 2012

Consumer review (

Dead after a week


worked great for 5 days

dead on day 6

Apr, 2012

Consumer review (



I have ordered ADATA SSDs before and have sent off rebates for here in the US. I am disappointed that they misguided me by giving a rebate for a different country.

Never used it

Carefull about ordering this with a rebate. The rebate listed was for Canada and not for the US. Tried to contact Newegg and ADATA and neither of them were any help

Mar, 2012

Price comparison for A-Data AS510S3-120GM-C S510

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