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Seiki SE24FE01-W

Seiki SE24FE01-W
alaScore 83

18 reviews

Jul, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 18 reviews of Seiki SE24FE01-W. The average rating for this product is 3.4/5, compared to an average rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews. People really like the remote control and design. The sound and usability are also mentioned favorably. Some have doubts about the durability and color.

price, usability, sound, design, remote control

image quality, size, color, durability

We analyzed user and expert ratings, product age and more factors. Compared to other products in the same category the Seiki SE24FE01-W is awarded an overall alaScore™ of 83/100 = Very good quality.

Review analysis

(Based on 18 reviews)

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Consumer review (

For an $100 can not complain.


Good Image qual. Love the fav buttons on the remote.

Teriablely quiet speakers. I can have the voulume set to 25 or 90 but the loudness seames the same. The only audio output is a SP/DIF so would need an expensive converter to connect this tv to any speakers.

Jan, 2016

Consumer review (

You want a screen? Bam, here you go


If you just want an extra screen that works, or a tv that works, for a great price, you found it right here. However, its important to note that I have only ever used this tv as an extra screen and never actually used the tv functions, so that part of...

-Cheap. -Lightweight. -Did I mention it was cheap? Anyways, for the price it does its job well. It has HDMI ports, or the traditional analog ones. I primarily use it as an additional monitor for my computer, and it fulfills that role extremely well. It...

-The tv had a slight flaw when it arrived: The frame border where the screen and frame meet, a small part of it was bulging out from the rest of the tv (id say about maybe 7% of the frame). It didn't seem harmful and I was too lazy to return it since I...

Dec, 2015

Consumer review (

You get what you pay for


I dislike reviews with over-the-top product bashing,especially on inexpensive products. I'll just say that for me it was clear within 10 minutes that I had to return it. It's flaws make it unusable for me.

Inexpensive, relatively light

Power plug is not removable. The picture is very fuzzy. The outside edge covers an inch of viewing area on every side at 1080p or 720p. Brightness and contrast settings make a sudden and drastic change at 50/100. The included stand and remote are very...

Dec, 2015

Consumer review (

Product was open box


Overall the tv works fine, just would of been nice to know that the product was open box rather than new.

Device works fine and seems to have original packaging.

The styrofoam in the box wasn't for a 24" tv but for a 22". It was broke in half to fit the TV.

Dec, 2015

Consumer review (

GOOD and not expensive.


Good for a second TV, etc. Also would do as a monitor. Can't beat the price, since most in the same range are 720P.

Cheap, 1080P, nice picture, lots of input types accepted.

Can't tilt screen, case looks a little flimsy.

Dec, 2015

Consumer review (

Worst warranty repair FOLLOWUP


This is a followup to my earlier review where I panned Seiki for replacing my defective white TV with a black one. Apparently a nice lady in Seiki sales read my reviews here and elsewhere, found an open-box white TV (same model as I orignally bought),...

Great little white HDTV that my daughter uses as a monitor. It even turns off when the video is absent for a period of time. (My wife has a Spectre that stays on indefinitely, even with VGA input.)

Warranty repair originally replaced my white TV (backlight failed) with a black one. I objected strenuously to this model substiitution, but all I could do was send the black TV back for a refund.

Apr, 2015

Consumer review (

For the kidds


Easy Setup, works well with computer

Apr, 2015

Consumer review (

Very bad product



Extremely badly configured color settings. Cannot change the colors anymore than you can. I have another monitor next to it and it it vastly superior for the same price. Also the screen began to 'bleed' or cast 'shadows' less than a year of ownership...

Mar, 2015

Consumer review (

Very bad product



Extremely badly configured color settings. Cannot change the colors anymore than you can. I have another monitor next to it and it it vastly superior for the same price. Also the screen began to 'bleed' or cast 'shadows' less than a year of ownership...

Mar, 2015

Consumer review (

Worst warranty "repair" I've ever seen!


I have two options. Accept a black TV as a replacement for my white TV, or pay another $38 to send it back for a refund of my original purchase price. $72 for nothing.

Beautiful little WHITE TV with a lot of features. We were very happy with it for 3 months. It even turns off automatically when used as a monitor.

Backlight failed. Warranty repair requires customer to pay for return shipping. Another $38 I'll never see. Waited 6 weeks, and refurbished BLACK TV arrived very poorly packed. Surly customer service reps say that's their policy; replace with...

Jan, 2015

Price comparison for Seiki SE24FE01-W

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