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Found 2 result(s) for TV Wonder


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TVs (Category)
alaScore 75

Diamond TV Wonder 750 (Home Theater Systems)

I have used ATi All-In-Wonder and TV Wonder pieces extensively in the past, but never with an antenna, and never a USB piece. Given these two factors I wasn't expecting all that much, but I was dead wrong on this one. The Diamond ATI TV Wonder HD750...

1 expert reviews | 33 user reviews

alaAverage 4

ATI TV Wonder HD 600 PCI & HD 650 Combo USB (Monitors)

Both of the ATI TV tuners tested performed very well when it came to digital content; the picture was crisp and clear, the recording quality was excellent in general, and the CPU footprint was minimal - rarely exceeding 10% even while recording 1080i...

1 expert reviews


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