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alaScore 90

Bose Computer Musicmonitor (Speakers)

The tiny Bose MusicMonitor computer speakers are ideal for buyers who need the smallest possible speakers, but you can find better-sounding--albeit much larger--alternatives at this price.

21 expert reviews | 245 user reviews

alaScore 89

Bose Computer MusicMonitor (Speakers)

The tiny Bose MusicMonitor computer speakers are ideal for buyers who need the smallest possible speakers, but you can find better-sounding--albeit much larger--alternatives at this price.

9 expert reviews | 199 user reviews

alaScore 89

PowerLead Pspe PSP007 10W Portable Wireless Speakers Bluetooth Speakers... (Speakers)

This portable PSP007 Bluetooth speaker from PowerLead produces excellent sound, synced quickly with our Bluetooth sources (various phones with Pandora, Spotify and music files), charged fairly fast, and has all the volume you will need - pushed out by...

15 user reviews

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