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Found 1175 result(s) for Theater


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alaScore 99

Sony Bravia Theater 8 (Speakers)

Skullcandy's durable Sesh ANC Active earphones don't cost much and fit well, but they trail far behind competitors on sound quality and noise cancellation.

5 expert reviews

alaScore 97

Formovie Theater (Projectors)

Overall, our time with the Formovie Theater 4K projector has been great. The UST projector is built well and offers a fantastic media experience utilizing Android TV. The picture is great and is packed into a nice piece of hardware that’s basically...

5 expert reviews

alaScore 97

Sony Bravia Theater Quad (Speakers)

The Sony Bravia Theater Quad is an incredibly detailed and well-balanced home theater speaker system that can faithfully reproduce music and movie audio, but for the price, it should really include a subwoofer.

2 expert reviews

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