
What is alaTest’s alaScore™?

alaScore™ is a simple rating scale, ranging from 0 to 100. It provides you with a quick and simple method to compare similar products on alaTest websites. The higher the alaTest™ score, the higher the overall quality of the product. As you can imagine, universal rating scale has to be as consistent and objective as possible, something impossible to achieve based on just one review of a product. This is why alaScore™ is calculated based on hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of reviews from across the entire internet.

alaTest collects both expert and end-user ratings for every product. These ratings are then weighted appropriately, based on four factors:

Factor 1: Degrees of Deviation – this is calculated by comparing each individual rating to the relative (essentially an average) rating of all the others.

Factor 2: Reliability of the Source – because alaTest collects its reviews from all over the internet, it’s important to consider where each rating is coming from.

Factor 3: Level of Expertise – this is simply a distinction between professional reviews and end user reviews. It is necessary partly because professional reviews tend to be much more accurate and thorough, but also because end-user reviews greatly outnumber the professional ones.

Factor 4: Age of the Product – since technology is constantly improving, it is important to consider the age of a product.

Additional information

It’s important to remember that a low alaScore™ does not necessarily mean the product is a poor value or not recommended. A low score simply means that the product did not perform as well as its competitors; however, at the right price, it can still be a phenomenal deal.

If you want to read more about alaScore, click here.

Editor in Chief : Arie Struik

One Response to “What is alaTest’s alaScore™?”

  1. Elias says:

    Thanks for the heads up guys, I definitely get the idea behind it. Seems like a reliable system for sure…

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