The alaTest Blog

Posts Tagged ‘FujiFilm’


If you’re in the market for a new digital compact camera (and since summer vacation is in full-bore, why wouldn’t you be?), we’ve put together a quick list of the top 5 compact cameras currently rated on alaTest. Things seem to be trending towards slightly larger which feature bigger image sensors and more manual controls, but there are a few smaller compacts in the mix as well. Read the rest of this entry »


We’ve gone over last month’s data, and once again, the numbers are in! We don’t always do a “Trends” post every month simply because a month generally isn’t enough time for the trends to change, but that’s not the case this time. Digital cameras and smartphones are still popular; however, the top devices in each category have seen some major changes. It also seems that notebooks are starting to overtake HDTVs in popularity. Read the rest of this entry »

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