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Posts Tagged ‘Dell’


If you have a desktop computer, you probably already know that it’s not much use without a monitor. It doesn’t matter if you’re gaming, working, web browsing, or just staring at the screen, a monitor is a bit of a necessity. So if you’re in the market for a new monitor as an upgrade, a secondary display, or a companion for a new desktop, here are the currently top-ranked monitors on alaTest. Read the rest of this entry »


Even if you’re on a tight budget, you don’t have to sacrifice speed and dependability when buying a new laptop. In fact, for less than $600, there are plenty of laptop choices out there that can do just about everything – web browsing, HD movies, and even gaming! If you’re looking to get the most out of your money, here are a few excellent choices to consider: Read the rest of this entry »

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There are some new faces among out top-ranked laptops. The big names you’re likely familiar with, like Apple, Dell, and Toshiba have found themselves bumped down on our list recently. The newcomers to the top 5? Asus and Acer. Read the rest of this entry »


The economic force known as Supply and Demand has recently reared its ugly head due to the flooding in Thailand, and as tragic as the flooding is for those living there, its effects have been felt worldwide, especially in the consumer markets. Read the rest of this entry »


So you survived Thanksgiving, which can mean only one thing: Holiday shopping season is officially here! Sure, there have been holiday themed sales since the start of the month, but the traditional start is today, Black Friday. Not everyone can make it to the stores on Black Friday, so here are a few gift ideas that you don’t necessarily need to wait in line to get a good deal. Read the rest of this entry »


Back in 2007 when the original iPhone was released, its 3.5-inch display was considered fairly monstrous for a phone. At the time, most smartphone displays were well under 3 inches, and only a few spanned the entire face of the phone, the rest opting for a BlackBerry half screen/half button approach. But larger screens caught on, and today the 3.5-inch display of the iPhone seems relatively small, compared to 4.3 and even 5-inch phones. Read the rest of this entry »


Buying a laptop can be a big decision. You want something that can stand the test of time, in both durability and performance. It’s easy to think you’ll have to spend over $1500 that won’t be outdated in just a couple years, but in fact, just $800 is more than enough for the typical user’s needs, and believe it or not, many $800 notebooks use a lot of the same components and technologies as the most expensive models. Read the rest of this entry »


Motorola Xoom tabletWhether we like it or not, tablet computers are going to start dominating the mobile market this year. Our ever-growing thirst for data connectivity everywhere we go is quickly outpacing the capabilities of our Smartphones. We want bigger screens to watch our HD videos and browse the web, more powerful hardware for extra productivity, and the battery life to make it through the day. Tablets meet these demands, and that is why there will be nearly hundreds to choose from by the end of the year. But in case you don’t want to wait, there are tablets available today; however, can they hold up against the new tablets of tomorrow?
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