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Canon XF305

Canon XF305
alaScore 84

9 reviews

Jul, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 9 reviews of Canon XF305. The average rating for this product is 4.2/5, compared to an average rating of 4.0/5 for other Camcorders for all reviews. Reviewers really like the reliability and image quality. Some have doubts about the price. There are some mixed comments about the portability.

design, image quality, reliability


We analyzed user and expert ratings, product age and more factors. Compared to other Camcorders the Canon XF305 is awarded an overall alaScore™ of 84/100 = Very good quality.

See all Canon Camcorders

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image quality
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Consumer review ( review summary for Canon XF305


alaTest has collected and analyzed 3 user reviews of Canon XF305 from The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other Camcorders on Reviewers are impressed by the image quality. The design also gets good views, whereas there are some mixed views about the portability. Some have doubts about the price.

design, image quality


100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jul, 2024

Expert review by : Lori Grunin (

Canon XF305


Like the cheaper XF300, the XF305 has 50Mbps full HD recording on to CompactFlash cards and an 18x wide-angle zoom lens. This up-spec model also features jacks for HD-SDI output, genlock and SMPTE time code.

Although prices, availability and shipping dates have yet to be announced for Australia, both models are slated to ship to North America in June, where the XF300 will retail for US$7000 (AU$7500) and the XF305 for US$8000 (AU$8580). That's pretty steep...

Apr, 2010

Price comparison for Canon XF305

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