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Cyrus Lyric 09

Cyrus Lyric 09
alaScore 90

2 reviews

Jul, 2024

  • Negative

alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 reviews of Cyrus Lyric 09. The average rating for this product is 5.0/5, compared to an average rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews. Reviewers really like the design, whereas there are some critical reviews about the price.



We analyzed user and expert ratings, product age and more factors. Compared to other products in the same category the Cyrus Lyric 09 is awarded an overall alaScore™ of 90/100 = Excellent quality.

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Expert review by (

Cyrus Lyric 09


A strong style statement from Cyrus and an even stronger sonic performance makes the Lyric 09 a must-audition. It's a superb system

Unbelievably detailed sound ; Wonderfully open and spacious presentation ; Powerful delivery ; Decent control app ; Packed with useful functionality

Looks may divide opinion ; Noisy CD loading mechanism ; Bass can sound musclebound at times

All-in-one systems can sometimes be a recipe for compromise, but the Lyric 09 has no such trouble.

Expert review by (

Cyrus Lyric 09 review


It's not cheap, but if you want the best all-in-one system for your music, the Cyrus Lyric 09 deserves serious attention

Unbelievably detailed, powerful sound ; Packed with functionality, both modern and reassuringly old-school ; A good control app

A slightly noisy CD loading mechanism ; No built-in streaming services

It sits somewhere between traditional hi-fi and smart streamer, but the Lyric 09 sounds so good it hardly matters

Dec, 2014

Price comparison for Cyrus Lyric 09

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