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Archos VR Glasses

Archos VR Glasses
alaScore 81

4 reviews

Jul, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 reviews of Archos VR Glasses. The average rating for this product is 2.8/5, compared to an average rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews.

We analyzed user and expert ratings, product age and more factors. Compared to other products in the same category the Archos VR Glasses is awarded an overall alaScore™ of 81/100 = Very good quality.

Review analysis

(Based on 4 reviews)

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Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Show Reviews: in English | in other languages (2)

Expert review by : mfereday (

Archos VR Glasses


While most wearable technological devices are meant for every day use, this next product is not the type you would wear when out and about.

One thing you can say about 3D, without fear of any major contradiction, is that this is a technology that refuses to admit defeat with regards its general acceptance by the public. There have been at least two major attempts to bring the technology to...

Jun, 2015

Expert review by : Sami Mughal (

Review: Archos VR Glasses


This is the age of virtual reality. With the Occulus Rift being a major star at most tech shows, and the likes of Microsoft Hololens making everybody squeal in anticipation,[...]

Apr, 2015

Price comparison for Archos VR Glasses

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